About Us

Top Rated on Angies List for 2021! —
Vista Construction, is proud to announce that we are top rated on Angies list; with your help we can stay at the top. Simply click on our personalized review link and rate us! its that simple and its free…..help keep us number one. Click the link below to leave us a review and keep us number one!

Mission Statement —
Vista Construction Group, LLC provides quality service, superior workmanship, and client satisfaction. At Vista Properties, from the very inception of a client’s idea or need, we seek to create a finished product that gives the feeling of fulfillment, comfort, and the knowledge of satisfied expectations.

Vista Construction Group, LLC, believes in being environmentally responsible and community conscientious in all of our endeavors, hoping our service to all is seen as beneficial and aesthetically pleasing.
We always place the client first because you are the foundation to our success
All of our work comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, plus a one-year material and labor guarantee; we offer year round services in our highly diversified areas of expertise.
Personal attention to each job —
Each client receives one-on-one attention through the entire process from at least one of our highly trained personnel.
Client participation —
We invite our clients to participate and provide input during the design process and throughout construction. We never forget that our job is to make your dream a reality.

Creativity —
Creativity is achieved through input from our architectural design and collective, as well as through brainstorming sessions with the client. Because each of our designs is driven by a unique customer dream, when each is completed it expands our conception of what is possible. Expect style and class that will not fade with the ages.
Professionalism —
We maintain a consistently high level of professional care and responsibility in each project. We guarantee all of our work to be of the highest quality, as we know our clients would expect nothing less. Your project is indeed our project.